Ah Joh He Joh Merol
From The Start Laufey
Memories of the School Persona 3 Reload
Nice 2 Me Piri & Tommy
Go back! 31/MAY/2024

Dude, they are way too kind!

Or, a reflection on giving and receiving kindness.

Have you ever met someone who was so nice that it surprised you? I'm not talking about people who let others take advantage of them, but people who genuinely are that kind-hearted.

I remember the first time someone gave me that impression: it was a friend of a friend, who I didn't know very well. For no particular reason, we ended up hanging out one day and I remember that at some point, after we left the cat cafe where we met, we passed by my favorite store (which is full of cute things!) and this person started to grab a LOT of things as they said: "I'm going to buy this for A, since they love cats! I'm going to take a picture of that to send it to B because they have the same thing and it reminds me of them, and now that I think about it, I bet C would love the cat cafe from earlier. I'm going to bring them next week for sure!".

My jaw was on the floor as they continued to explain what they were getting for their friends and the reasons why they would love them! The only thought that crossed my mind at that moment was the title of this blog, since they weren't appreciating the cute items on the shelves like me - instead, they saw things that their friends would like! At that moment, I remembered something that my dad said to me years ago: "Be nice, because there's a lot of people who will be nice to you as well".

My coworker is a nice person just like the person I was talking about before. The other day, when they came back from buying some stuff, they approached me with a giddy smile on their face as they hid something behind their before revealing it: it was the same snack I brought to work just the day before to eat. They said, "I saw you eating this yesterday, so I bought one for you!". Of course, I said thanks - and when this coworker said that it was nothing and gave me the same speech ("I like being nice to the people who are nice to me") was when it clicked.

Suddenly, I remembered the way how one of my friends gave me a birthday present on may even if my birthday is in october, the lady next to me who I didn't knew but lend me her hand fan as we were watching a musical in a REALLY hot theatre - and I figured out that these situations I kept seeing myself in were just people being nice back at me! My coworker got me something they knew I like because they say that the way I'm always smiling lifts their mood up, my friend got me a gift because I got something for them on their birthday, and maybe that random lady was being nice in exchange for the day I complimented a guy who was wearing the coolest jacket and thanked me a lot of times with a beaming smile.

What I'm trying to say by writing this is: be kind. The answer to my question of why the person who I talked about at the beggining of this post was being so thoughtful of their friends was that they surely were super nice to this person and they decided to be kind to them too, which is the same reason why people are nice to me! There's people who will try to take advantage - but remember that there is even more people who will be nice to you too (and those are the ones who are worth it!).