Dude, communicate already!
Or, a wake-up call to say what's on your mind.
How many times have you ever wanted to say
something to someone, but felt too anxious
to and ended up being left unsaid?
Whether it was a difficult thing to say or a
seemingly simple one, the most probable
answer is 'way too many'. And you aren't
alone, because everyone has found themselves
in the very same situation more times than
they would like: myself included.
Communicating your needs or what you want is
hard, specially when you don't know how the
other person will react.
Nonetheless, what about
'if only I had said this sooner...'
I don't know about you, but I have come to
realize time and time again that if I had
said what I wanted to back when I first did,
I wouldn't have been pulling my hair out
stressing over my own imagination. Our minds
are experts on creating lots of different
scenarios: specially negative ones, so we
can be prepared to expect them as a
possiblity. Thing is, this doesn't apply to
the positive ones, which is the reason why
we are always expecting the worst possible
In other words, we tend to overthink all the
negative things that could happen as a way
of protecting ourselves. Which is
understandable, until you realize that the
terrible outcome you first expected doesn't
come true most of the time!
And, the surprise fact I haven't mentioned
yet (but is one of the most important things
to consider when you are thinking whether
you should tell someone what's on your mind
or not) is: people aren't mindreaders.
Things are not going to change if you don't
communicate them - so, since we have less
than three weeks of December up ahead, go
tell what you still haven't to avoid
carrying 2024's luggage next year. Tell your
loved ones how much you appreciate them,
tell your crush how much you like them, ask
that cool person if they want to hang out
with you sometime soon, compliment the next
person you see with a cool outfit, text the
person you haven't seen in forever but want
to reconnect with, kiss your cats' forehead,
whatever. Just remember that there's more
than one way to communicate and say things
than with words!
Having that said, I'm going to let you know
that I have made four handmade bracelets for
my friends to show how grateful I am for
everything they have done this year for me.
I actually have never gifted handmade
jewelry since I picked up the hobby in
March, and one of them isn't actually my
friend but the crush of one of my friends
that I will met for the first time the day
we all have agreed to meet. However, I think
it will be a cool surprise since they are
Christmas themed! :)